We produce a set of moderators.

Requirements :
- The minimum number of points registered 110 points. 
- Adequate, competent, polite, steady stressor.
- Minimum age: 18
- Experience in dealing with people in voice programs.
- Stay in the program from 3:00 daily.
- Have a microphone.

- Ability to use the program => Fubar2000 Download  Скачать
- Knowledge of the rules of the Group and the Moderator!
- Do not have a moderator or administrator rights in other musical groups!

Responsibilities :

-Knowledge of the rules
-Stay on the channel at a certain time.
-Tell another moderator or administrator if you are in the "Away".

1.Name RС.
2.Points Account 
4.Specify time in which you will be moderate (at least 3 hours) 
5.Channel (subchannel) Where would you like to become a moderator.